General Paper & Presentation

API NZTE Facing Social Challenges in Geothermal Project by Sahat Simangunsong (EBTKE)
API NZTE Facing Social Challenges in Geothermal Project by Ismoyo Argo
Updates of Geothermal Industry in Time of Pandemic by Ida Nuryatin Finahari (Direktur Panas Bumi - EBTKE)
Inviting EBTKE (geothermal directorate) to talk on geothermal updates from govt perspective. Inviting INAGA/other representative from other geothermal sectors to give perspective from the industry.
Updates of Geothermal Industry in Time of Pandemic by Eko Agung
Inviting EBTKE (geothermal directorate) to talk on geothermal updates from govt perspective. Inviting INAGA/other representative from other geothermal sectors to give perspective from the industry.
Business Continuity Plan (BCP) During COVID-19 Pandemic In Geothermal Industry by Zerry Antro
Talk and discussion on BCP principles best practices (power plan ops, drilling ops, exploration ops, etc) from various geothermal developers and industries in Indonesia. Closing: Announcement for following webinar series of INAGA and NZTE
Business Continuity Plan For Covid-19 Pandemic by Prijandaru Effendi
Talk and discussion on BCP principles best practices (power plan ops, drilling ops, exploration ops, etc) from various geothermal developers and industries in Indonesia. Closing: Announcement for following webinar series of INAGA and NZTE